Impact of God’s Powerful Promises Booklet

Our booklet entitled God’s Powerful Promises is being used in amazing ways in Ukraine and other eastern European countries as well as Africa. We recently received an email from Bible teacher, missionary, author, and friend Mark Musser who is in that region. He explained how the booklet is being distributed all over Ukraine, Poland, and Romania and being effectively used in Bible studies.

The following pictures are of people in the war-torn area where they are being taught by local pastors about the three phases of salvation from God’s Powerful Promises




The booklet has been translated into 14 languages with several others under development. Multiple copies have been given to numerous pastors in Ukraine who are handing them out to their people as well as to the soldiers on the front line. Please continue to pray that we will have the resources (finances and people) to keep up with the demand as thousands have been given out and many thousands more will be printed in the very near future.

God’s Powerful Promises Booklet Reaching Thousands in Africa


In Zambia the booklet is being used in AIU Zambia where students are very thankful to receive their own copy of the Promise book.


This is a picture of the people at the Bible Institute in Accra, Ghana getting the Promise booklet. They all said “thank you, Dr. Dean.”

It’s truly encouraging how this little booklet is having such a big impact in bringing God’s Word to people all over the world.

Charles Musonda has been traveling around many African villages teaching and distributing the promise book.

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You can download a free copy of God’s Powerful Promises in any of 14 languages here.

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