Save the Date!

2025 Chafer ConferenceIt's time to make plans to attend the 2025 Chafer Seminary Pastors' Conference.

Who: Theologians, pastors, students, and those interested in learning about the Bible

What: 2025 Chafer Seminary Pastors’ Conference

When: March 10–12, 2025

Where: West Houston Bible Church, Houston, TX

Conference Topic: The Framework at 50

Guatemala Ministry

Guatemala1Since 2017, Dean Bible Ministries has facilitated Pam Dean to go to Guatemala to serve as an interpreter with a surgical team.

The medical team is part of the ministry of Faith in Practice which “improves the health and wellness of underserved Guatemalans through medical missions, community-based health initiatives, partnerships and education.” 

Pam works with a surgical team and uses the opportunity each day to visit with 15-30 children and adults, and share the gospel and pray with each of them. She uses the God’s Powerful Promises booklet which she translated into Spanish, along with the wordless “Evangecube.” Each person receives a copy of the Promises booklet.


Light from the Light Channel

Dean Bible Ministries has launched a new YouTube channel called "Light from the Light". This is an ongoing weekly video featuring Dr. Robert Dean teaching on a variety of subjects all for the purpose of learning and internalizing the Word of God. These videos are short duration, 15-20 minutes in length and are recorded from the comfort of the pastor's office. On occastion Dr. Dean will bring in guests such as archaeologists, theologians and professors to enhance our understanding in their respective areas. Please join us once a week for this encouraging series and be sure to subscribe and like each video so that more people find the channel on YouTube. Go to Light from the Light page on this website or click here to go to Our Channel Page on YouTube.

To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.

Impact of God’s Powerful Promises Booklet


Our booklet entitled God’s Powerful Promises is being used in amazing ways in Ukraine and surrounding countries as well as Zambia in Africa. We recently received an email from Bible teacher, missionary, author, and friend Mark Musser who is in that region. He explained how the booklet is being distributed all over Ukraine, Poland, and Romania and being effectively used in Bible studies.

2024 Bible Reading Challenge

biblereadingWhy don’t you make it a personal goal during 2024 to read the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation?

The benefits are tremendous. First, you will begin to understand the historical flow of God’s revelation to you. Second....

God’s Powerful Promises

With the events that have occured in the last three years, there is little doubt Christians are in for some very difficult times. Our prayer is that God will restrain the evil that has gripped America and the world, but whether He does or not, we must have our souls strengthened. We all need to take an inventory. Are we truly prepared spiritually? What if we found ourselves in some sort of internment center? It has certainly happened to Christians in the past. What if we had no access to our Bibles or to hymnals? These are reasons why we should all be "hiding God's Word in our hearts." Each week, Pastor Dean will challenge us with three of God's powerful promises to memorize.

bible memory button

Ukrainian Relief

West Houston Bible Church is collecting funds for the support of Ukrainian refugees. Please go to West Houston Bible Church and follow the instructions there. Please DO NOT donate through Dean Bible Ministries.

Introduction to
Dean Bible Ministries

Watch the following video by Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr., pastor of West Houston Bible Church in Houston Texas as he explains how Dean Bible Ministries can benefit you in your study of the Bible.

Did You Know?

Did you know that Dean Bible Ministries has thousands of individual believers as well as numerous small groups and churches from many countries throughout the world, regularly live streaming, viewing, listening and downloading our Bible study material?

Books to Download/Order

NEW: Now available for FREE download are PDF files of God’s Powerful Promises in 15 languages—Afrikaans, Armenian, Bemba, English, French (Polynesian), German, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish, and Ukrainian.

Also available are What the Bible Teaches about Spiritual Warfare, Are You Right with God? and Today’s Thoughts Volumes 2, 3, and 4 (English only). You can access all of these files here.


What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. and Dr. Thomas Ice. - Order online

Promises Thumbnail Ukr Cover

God’s Powerful Promises by Dr. Robert L. Dean. Available in English, Spanish, and Ukrainian. - Order online


Promises Thumbnail Ukr Cover

Are You Right with God? by Dr. Robert L. Dean. Available in English - Order online


Today's Thoughts Cover

Today's Thoughts, Volumes 2, 3 and 4, by William E. Wright. - Order online

There is no price for these publications. The publishing of all printed material offered by Dean Bible Ministries is supported by grace donations.

Book Order Form


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